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BOOM! This user is a Darthipedia G*nquistador
M This user is male.
WookLogo.png This user is a Wookieepedian.

Thrawn.jpg This user was Evil Genius of the Month for November 2008.

Thrawn.jpg This user was Evil Genius of the Month for July 2009.

Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Mission Vao to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Darth Bane to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Kendal Ozzel to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Dark Woman to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Geonosian to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Zam Wesell to Featured status.
Vadericon.png This user helped promote the article Marn Hierogryph to Featured status.
Palp-conv2.jpg This user helped promote the article New Jedi Order to an Article of Eviltude.
Look, Madclaw gave me my own ship!

Family Slogan: Ad Astra Per Enochf

<Enochf> What is this, Slap Enochf Day?
* Maddolis slaps Enochf
<Enochf> I had to ask
* GreenTentacle checks calendar.
<GreenTentacle> Yes it is

Random redlink: Battle of Grassy Plains

Comedy is serious business! Get to work, ya yeller-belly landlubbers! I'll be in my cabin.

In the meantime, check out: