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Twi'leks were either very hot or very not. Fanboys worshiped the hot ones, but we're not sure what they did with the ugly ones.
Hot Twi'leks
(Add more please!)
- Aayla Secura
- Darth Talon (
What do you mean she has no article yet? What are you waiting for? MAKE ONE! NOW!At Last! Now make it better!) - Mission Vao
- Oola
- Seddwia
- Alema Rar (before getting mutilated)
- Pampy
- Mema Roothes
- Lyn Me
- Yuthura Ban
- Rianna Saren
- Ayy Vida
- Fa'ale Leh
- Seer'aa
- Teer'aa
- Ann Gella
- Tann Gella
Ugly Twi'leks
(Please stop!!!)
- Boc Aseca
- Bib Fortuna
- Orn Free Taa
- Griff Vao
- Alema Rar (after getting mutilated)
- Kopecz
- Nat Secura
- Dia Passik
- Tol Sivron