- "You're very persistent, Thrawn."
"I'm also better than you!" - ―Sark and Thrawn, in their last battle
Sark, whose full name was Mumph'l'sark'n'thrick'r'thrax, was the archenemy of Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo (you know, Thrawn) during his early days on Csilla. Thrawn was kinda low-level back then and needed a nemesis to fight so he could gain experience and become the super-bad, galaxy-ruling, all-knowing, art-appreciating bad-ass of all time.
Sark hassled Thrawn all throughout his college years, copying his term papers and stealing his girlfriends and putting him through nasty fraternity hazings. Their greatest feuds, however, took place in the Glowing Killer Frisbee ring, competing for the Chiss College Glowing Killer Frisbee Trophy.
Thrawn finally bested Sark when he analyzed some doodles he'd made in his notebook and deduced he would attempt to win using a triple-reverse spiral throw. Thrawn was able to slice Sark in half with his Glowing Killer Frisbee and win the Trophy, win back his girlfriend, and then the entire student body and some of the cool professors ran into the ring and started dancing while Steve Perry music played.