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Long ago, Ryloth was nothing more than a cloud of pure stupid. However, the great Walt Disney formed the planet with the evil power of musicals. Eventually, it was conquered by Tyber Zann. Then it was renamed Ryloth. It later became Happy Fancy Dancy Home World of the Twi'leks. It was really a nice place – that is, if you like Twi'leks, of course. Darth Elmo hated Twi'leks, however, so he ordered Darth Animal to destroy it in a Super Secret Sesame Street Black-Ops Mission. But for some reason the Twi'leks survived.... The end.... For now....

Born without a sense of humor? We are inspired by your courageous struggle. …Just kidding. Get the hell out of here and go read Wookiepedia's "real" article on Ryloth.