Riyo Chuchi
- "CHUCHI: "Chairman Chi Cho, we must leave this planet."
CHO: "Shut up, Chuchi! I am going to take over this planet whether you help me or not!"
CHUCHI: "Come on, they're just tall, furry creatures in need of love."
OBI-WAN: "That was unneccesary, Chairman. I side with the Senator."
CHO: "Just watch me, then! You go do your, well, whatever you do, and I'll go kill all the Talz."
CHUCHI: "Suit yourself."" - ―Chuchi, Cho and Obi-Wan Kenobi discuss an oncoming battle, ten minutes before Chi Cho is demoted, killed and forgotten.
Riyo Chuchi was a Senator of Pantora, who basically got to the top because she was hot.
She was born on Pantora. Her mother was Aayla Secura and her father was you. YOU WISH. It was Grover.
She became Senator because she wanted to and nobody had the guts to stop her. Or something like that.
When the Chairman Chi Cho wanted to take over an icy planet (not Hoth) named Orto Plutonia, she tried to get him to forget about it. But he's the only one who doesn't think she's HOT because he only cares about himself. So while he's out dying, she's 'convincing' Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Afterward, the Jedi bid her farewell and hope (we do too) that she'll return for another episode of the Clone Wars. She does so with Ahsoka Tano saving God, no wait, George Lucas's daughters. They succeeded, and she seemed to forget about Ahsoka afterwards. Good on her. We wish we could.