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- "Size matters not!"
- ―Yoda's opinion
Penises are.... Penises are.... Well you see, son, when a man and a woman love each other very much....
Penises in Star Wars
Yeah, you know you want it. Mmmmmm....
- Grabda Weng -- Sounds good to me, be gentle.
- Mount Sorrow had one.
- The Jedi Exile Did not, never had and never will. Accept it!
- Palpatine sort of had one.
- Darth Vader had one before Obi-Wan Kenobi stole it, So in the latter years of his life Obi-Wan had two penises.
- Mace Windu used his as a dangerous weapon which "killed" millions of people.
- Frog face had a massive doodle.
- Ernie really loved having one.
- Luke Skywalker mounted a dead snake in his pants to impress Yoda and yo' mama.