Jax Pavan 404

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This article is about a Human male named Jax Pavan who lived on Coruscant. You may be looking for one of the 582,797,753 others.

Jax Pavan 404 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant.

Jax Pavan 404
Biographical information

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Physical description

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Hair color

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Eye color

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Chronological and political information

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Known masters

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Known apprentices

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Jax Pavan 404 was the 404th person named Jax Pavan. He made a name for himself hacking into the holonet and replacing everybody's questionable internet sites with his favorite number, 404. However, the Coruscant Police Department suddenly put 2 and 2 together and realized that 404 stood for Jax Pavan 404. He was arrested and charged with Grand n00bery and gross immaturity, and sentenced to serving as a Bantha feeder for the remainder of his miserable existence.