Galactic Basic Standard
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- "
Basic, motherfucker, do you speak it?!" - ―Mace Windu
Galactic Basic Standard, or basic for short, was the official form of communication in most areas of the galaxy, particularly under the iron-fistedly-monolingual reign of the Galactic Empire. It was derived from Proto-Mando-Basic, the common root language for all humanoids.
Because it was so very…well…basic (pause for laughs), Basic eventually differentiated into dialects that evolved into the following languages:
- Alaskan
- Bocce
- Huttese
- Common
- Cryptosporidian
- Dutch
- English
- Gungan
- Jawaese
- L33t
- Mando'a
- Rhodese
- Shyriiwook
- Turdish
To facilitate communication among the hearing-impaired, a new form of basic was developed that involved hand gestures. It was referred to as Visual Basic.