Conan Antonio Riley
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- "The Death Star is now the ultimate power in the universe. We're going to blow up Alderaan. That's tomorrow, and that is it for us today. Uh... OK, uh, whatever it is, it's not right on the holoprompter. I don't know what that is. I've never seen that... OK, but I... I can't read it. There's no words on it! There's no words there! OK, 'Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways...' Sorcerer's ways? I don't know what that means! I can't do it. We'll do it live. We'll do it live!! Kriff it! Do it live! Kriffin' thing sucks! Ugh."
- ―Conan Antonio Riley
Conan Antonio Riley was a belligerent Imperial officer who worked as a Minister of Propaganda and was given the assignment of announcing the Death Star project over official channels. The announcement did not go well, as the holoprompter text was not scrolling properly, sending Antonio Riley into a profanity-laced tirade that shocked the Imperial public and boosted his ratings by 180%.
Conan Antonio Riley was also instrumental turning the tide in the War on Christmas.