Children of Grover and Aayla Secura

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The children of Grover and Aayla Secure were not the children of the unidentified man in green firing turret and Aunt Jemima Butterworth. They were, however, the children of Grover and Aayla Secura in case you didn't guess. Two-hundred children and counting, they were all born in 19 BBY.

Upon Darth Elmo's death, Grover left Sesame Street to pursue a life with Aayla. Unfortunately for us, they did it (giggity) way too often and before you knew it, the little critters were born. After the birth of the one-hundred and twenty-third child, the Emperor began to purge the children, leaving only ninety-three alive. However, the remaining children formed the uber-planet destruction team, the Mega Destruction Team, which of course made their father so darn proud.

The children in order of birth

  1. Grover Jr.
  2. Aayla Jr.
  3. Don
  4. Ron
  5. Bob
  6. Jim
  7. Goshin
  8. Paul
  9. Peter Pan
  10. Goblin
  11. Jax Pavan 20,394
  12. Ugly
  13. Pretty
  14. Stupid
  15. Jack Einstein
  16. User:Jack Nebulax
  17. Mason
  18. Pete
  19. It
  20. Whee!
  21. Karen
  22. Stumpy
  23. Keanu
  24. Number One
  25. Number Six
  26. Tiffany
  27. Heather
  28. Cody
  29. Dylan
  30. Dermot
  31. Jordan
  32. Taylor
  33. Brittany
  34. Wesley
  35. Rumer
  36. Scout
  37. Cassidy
  38. Zoe
  39. Chloe
  40. Hunter
  41. Kendall
  42. Caitlin
  43. Noah
  44. Sascha
  45. Morgan
  46. Kyra
  47. Ian
  48. Lauren
  49. Q-bert
  50. Phil
  51. Max Grover-Secura
  52. J.J.
  53. ☃ (The child formerly known as Snowman)
  54. Sheriff Lobo
  55. John Boy
  56. Mary Ellen
  57. Jason
  58. Erin
  59. Ben
  60. Jim-Bob
  61. Elizabeth
  62. J.R.
  63. Marcia
  64. Carol
  65. Greg
  66. Jan
  67. Alice
  68. Peter
  69. Cindy
  70. Mike
  71. Bobby
  72. Cousin Oliver
  73. Dweezl
  74. That Guy
  75. Accident
  76. Accident, Part Deux
  77. Unimportant
  78. Special II
  79. Strange
  80. Yo Mama
  81. ?
  82. Emo
  83. Cast Away
  84. Forgotten
  85. Broken
  86. #83 (they ran out of names at the time)
  87. Darth Squidward
  88. Grover Sr.
  89. Ugly
  90. Sold for Advertising
  91. Enos
  92. William III
  93. Weirdo
  94. Weirdo II
  95. Slimy
  96. Stinky
  97. Dumbass
  98. <insert name here>
  99. Buttnugget
  100. Teruzen
  101. Thrawn
  102. Darth Brian
  103. Master Chief
  104. That guy from Avatar
  105. Papa Smurf
  106. Sam "Gordon" Graham
  107. That loser Jedi who got killed by Darth Maul in Episode I
  108. Wampa Claus
  109. Wampa Claus the Second
  110. Grover Jr's son (How does that work?)
  111. Mr Potato Head
  112. Salad Fingers
  113. Mr Lova Lova
  114. Weirdo III
  115. Jeremy Kyle
  116. That Guy
  117. Gordon Brown
  118. Colonel Sanders
  119. Darth Ronald McHitler
  120. Jynx (the Pokémon)
  121. Eddie Eddingstein
  122. Danger Mouse
  123. Adolph McCoon
  124. Hubert Cumberdale
  125. [insert name here]
  126. The one that came out like a retarded fish
  127. Wicket Wystri Warrick
  128. The one who was eaten by Ronald McHitler before his was named
  129. Riyo Chuchi. It's the only explanation.
  130. Dixe Normus
  131. Phillip Oliver Holes
  132. Batman
  133. Bob Dylan
  134. Gaz
  135. Captian Price